Being Financially Prepared.

Financial Prepared, before having a family

Being financially prepared when starting a family is important for ensuring a stable and comfortable future for you and your loved ones. Here are some steps and considerations to help you achieve financial readiness:


Create a detailed budget that outlines your income, expenses, and savings goals. Consider all possible costs associated with having a child, such as medical expenses, baby gear, childcare, and education.

Emergency Fund:

Build and maintain an emergency fund that covers 3 to 6 months’ worth of living expenses. This fund acts as a safety net in case of unexpected events like job loss or medical emergencies.

Maternity/Paternity Leave:

Understand your employment benefits related to parental leave. Make sure you’re aware of how much time you can take off and what your entitlements are using the Paid Parental Leave Tool  

Childcare Costs:

Research the costs of childcare in your area. Whether you choose daycare, a nanny, or family care, these expenses can significantly impact your budget.

Education Planning:

Start thinking about education expenses well in advance. What the extra costs  of attending your local school are or if you prefer a private school. Maybe you would like to start saving to help with tertiary education costs.

Life Insurance:

Consider getting life insurance coverage to provide financial support for your family in case of your or your partner’s unexpected passing. The coverage amount should be enough to cover outstanding debts and provide for your family’s ongoing needs.

Estate Planning:

Create or update your will, designating guardians for your children and detailing how your assets should be distributed. This helps ensure your family’s well-being even if something were to happen to you.

Adjust Your Housing Situation:

Assess whether your current living situation is suitable for a growing family. You may need to consider a larger space, which could impact your housing budget.

Debt Management:

Work on reducing high-interest debts before having children. This will help free up more of your income for family-related expenses.

Savings for Baby-Related Expenses:

Set up a separate savings account for baby-related expenses. This can include costs like baby furniture, clothing, and more.

Review Career Goals:

Consider your career trajectory and earning potential. This might be a good time to discuss with your employer the possibility of career advancements or salary increases.

Cut Unnecessary Expenses:

Review your current spending habits and cut out unnecessary expenses. Redirect those funds towards your family’s financial goals.

Financial Discussions:

Regularly communicate with your partner about your financial goals and plans. Make decisions together and keep each other accountable.

Consult Professionals:

If you’re unsure about any aspect of your financial planning, consider consulting with a financial advisor or planner who specializes in family finances.

Remember that every family’s situation is unique, and it’s important to tailor your financial preparations to your specific needs and circumstances. Starting early and being proactive will go a long way in ensuring your family’s financial stability and well-being.