
Experienced insurance advisor dedicated to lowering your premiums.

•  Free no obligation advice    •  Insurance for home, business and travel    •  Registered financial advisor
•  Hamilton and throughout Waikato, the Bay of Plenty and Auckland

Independent Hamilton insurance broker

Insurance sometimes gets ignored, especially when money is tight. Paying monthly might seem painful for something you might never use. Yet, the benefit of having insurance during an emergency is worth it.
As an independent broker, Mortgage and Insurance New Zealand can assist you in comparing insurance options. We ensure you find the right policy for your situation. Plus, we make sure you’re not overpaying for coverage that doesn’t meet your needs.
Banks and insurance firms pay us a commission when you sign up, so our advice is free for you. As independent advisors, we’re not tied to any one company. You can explore various options with us.
Book an appointment today at our office or a location convenient for you. Gain peace of mind knowing you’re fully insured for life’s uncertainties.

Insurance for work, home and business

Whether it’s business, home, or family, Mortgage and Insurance New Zealand has you covered. We offer a wide range of policies from various providers. Choose from different durations, like 20-year term life insurance.
Insurance types include:

Financial advice in plain English

Understanding insurance policies can be tricky, but at Mortgage and Insurance NZ, we explain in simple terms. We help you grasp the benefits and what it means for you.

When it comes to making a claim, our team guides you through. We make the process less stressful during tough times. Plus, we offer yearly policy reviews.

As independent advisors, we also serve as mortgage brokers. Get great home loan rates and set up KiwiSaver to grow your savings.

Make an appointment today and get your financial future sorted simply and easily.